Home furniture, Jewels, Handpainted Clothing
The Decori NELTEMPO studio was born in 1992. lt had always been Silvia and David's idea to create a studio like an old Renaissance antique shop, where the skilfully worked materials, colours, woods, metals and fabrics transformed from regular day to day objects to masterpieces.
With time, and thanks to client requests, the studio's production has grown and diversified to include even wall paintings, furniture paintings, tables, lamps, ceramics, hand-embroidered materials and complete plans for precisely handcrafted furnishings, thought out and created with great passion and professionalism.
In 2008, the laboratory opened a space dedicated to hand-painted tailored clothing, for women and girls, and another for handcrafted jewelry, using the long forgotten technique of wax casting.
Contact UsAddress:
Viale Matteotti, 1 - 53017 Radda in Chianti
+39 0577 738158+39 334 3232730
Decori neltempoOpening Hours:
10 am - 7 pm, closed on Sunday